The Truth About HydroJugs: Are They Dishwasher-Friendly? What You Should Know

In this image, there is a dishwasher with dishes, a few HydroJugs, and a woman! One question that often arises is whether HydroJugs can be safely cleaned in the dishwasher.

Hydration is essential for maintaining good health, and many people turn to HydroJugs to ensure they stay adequately hydrated throughout the day.

However, when it comes to cleaning these jugs, there may be some confusion about whether they are dishwasher-safe or not.

To clear up any doubts, let’s take a closer look at HydroJugs and their dishwasher compatibility!

Dishwasher Safety of HydroJugs

According to HydroJug’s official website, their plastic bottles are deemed top rack dishwasher safe. This means you can place them on the top rack of your dishwasher when cleaning.

However, there are some important guidelines to follow to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your HydroJug:

Top Rack Placement

When placing your HydroJug in the dishwasher, always position it on the top rack.

Placing it on the bottom rack can expose the plastic to higher temperatures and more intense water pressure, which might compromise its integrity over time.

Laying it on its Side

If your HydroJug is too tall to fit comfortably on the top rack, the website recommends laying it on its side with the handle down.

This arrangement ensures that the water pressure and heat are distributed more evenly across the bottle, reducing the risk of damage.

Stainless and Glass Bottles

While the plastic HydroJugs are dishwasher safe, it’s essential to note that stainless steel and glass bottles from the same brand are not dishwasher safe.

These bottles require hand washing to maintain their quality and prevent damage to their materials.

Cleaning HydroJugs by Hand

For stainless steel and glass HydroJugs or if you prefer not to use the dishwasher, washing by hand is the recommended method.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to hand washing your HydroJug:

  1. Disassemble: If your HydroJug has removable parts, such as a lid or a straw, make sure to disassemble it before washing.
  2. Warm Soapy Water: Use warm water and mild dish soap to create a soapy solution.
  3. Scrubbing: Use a bottle brush or a soft sponge to scrub the interior and exterior of the HydroJug thoroughly. Pay close attention to the hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Rinse: Rinse the bottle thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  5. Drying: Allow your HydroJug to air dry completely before reassembling and using it again.

General Maintenance Tips

To keep your HydroJug in top condition for as long as possible, consider the following maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your HydroJug after each use, especially if you store beverages other than water, as different liquids can leave odors and stains.
  2. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Avoid exposing your HydroJug to extreme temperatures, whether it’s from the dishwasher or the liquids you put inside it.
  3. Don’t Microwave: Never microwave your HydroJug, especially if it’s made of plastic.


In conclusion, the plastic HydroJugs are indeed dishwasher safe, as long as you follow the recommended guidelines of placing them on the top rack or laying them on their side.

However, the stainless steel and glass variants require hand washing.

By adhering to the maintenance tips provided in this article, you can keep your HydroJug clean, safe, and ready to keep you hydrated throughout your daily adventures!

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