Knife Care 101: Should You Dishwash Your Knives? Unveiling the Facts!

This image shows an open dishwasher with clean dishes after the cleaning process and a set of kitchen knives on a board! One of the most common debates in the kitchen revolves around whether it is safe to put knives in the dishwasher.

The dishwasher has become an indispensable appliance in modern kitchens, making our lives easier by automating the tedious task of handwashing dishes.

Interestingly, when it comes to knives, opinions are divided.

Some argue that knives should never be put in the dishwasher, while others claim it’s perfectly safe.

In this article, we will delve into the subject and explore whether knives can go in the dishwasher, examining the potential consequences and offering guidance for proper knife care.

The Case Against Dishwasher Use for Knives

One of the main arguments against putting knives in the dishwasher is that it can cause damage to the blades.

The high temperatures, powerful water jets, and harsh dishwasher detergents can be detrimental to the knife’s edge, causing it to become dull and lose its sharpness over time.

Additionally, the vigorous movements within the dishwasher can cause blades to collide with other utensils or the dishwasher’s interior, resulting in nicks, chips, or bending.

Potential Risks to Knife Handles

Apart from the blades, the dishwasher can also pose risks to knife handles.

Many knife handles are made from natural materials like wood, which can be negatively affected by hot water and prolonged exposure to moisture.

This can lead to warping, cracking, or the loosening of the handle, compromising the knife’s overall integrity.

Corrosion and Staining

Dishwasher detergents are designed to remove stubborn stains and grime, but they can also be aggressive on certain materials.

High-carbon stainless steel knives, for instance, are susceptible to corrosion when exposed to harsh detergents or left wet for extended periods.

The dishwasher environment can accelerate this process, leading to unsightly stains, pitting, or even rust formation.

Safety Concerns

Knives are sharp tools, and placing them in the dishwasher can pose safety risks.

When mixed with other utensils, the knives can jostle around, potentially causing injury to anyone handling the dishwasher contents.

Additionally, retrieving knives from the dishwasher can be hazardous, as they may not be easily visible and can lead to accidental cuts.

Exceptions and Considerations

While the general recommendation is to hand wash knives, there are some exceptions and considerations.

Some lower-quality knives or those with more robust construction, such as some stainless steel knives, may fare better in the dishwasher.

However, it’s crucial to consult the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure dishwasher compatibility.

Additionally, some dishwasher models offer separate compartments for cutlery, reducing the risk of contact and potential damage.

Proper Knife Care

To ensure the longevity and performance of your knives, it is best to follow proper care practices:

a. Hand wash knives: Handwashing is the safest and most effective method to clean knives. Use warm, soapy water, and carefully dry them afterward.

b. Immediate cleaning: Promptly clean knives after use to prevent food particles from drying and adhering to the blades.

c. Store knives properly: Use a knife block, magnetic strip, or blade guards to protect the knives when not in use.

d. Regular honing and sharpening: Use honing steel or sharpening stone to maintain the knife’s edge and sharpness.


While it may be tempting to toss knives in the dishwasher for convenience, it is generally recommended to hand wash them to preserve their quality and lifespan.

The dishwasher’s harsh environment, combined with the risks of damage to blades, handles, and potential safety hazards, outweigh the convenience factor.

By adopting proper knife care practices and investing a little extra effort into handwashing, you can ensure your knives remain sharp, safe, and in optimal condition!

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