Can You Put the NutriBullet Blender in the Dishwasher? Here’s What You Should Know

In this image, there is an open dishwasher with clean utensils in it! As a NutriBullet owner, you might wonder whether you can conveniently toss all the parts in the dishwasher after use.

The NutriBullet blender has gained immense popularity for its ability to prepare nutritious and delicious smoothies and juices effortlessly!

As a responsible NutriBullet owner, it’s essential to maintain the appliance’s cleanliness for optimal performance and longevity.

One common question that arises among users is whether the NutriBullet blender is dishwasher-safe.

In this article, we’ll explore NutriBullet’s official recommendations and provide useful tips for cleaning your blender effectively.

NutriBullet’s Official Stance on Dishwasher Safety

According to NutriBullet’s official website, the cups, lids, lip rings, and blades of their blenders are indeed dishwasher safe!

This means you can safely place these components on the top rack of your dishwasher for easy cleaning.

However, it’s crucial to follow specific guidelines to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your NutriBullet.

Precautions Before Dishwasher Cleaning

Before placing the NutriBullet components in the dishwasher, it’s advisable to rinse them thoroughly to remove any residual food particles or liquids.

This step helps in preventing any potential build-up during the dishwasher cycle, ensuring a more effective cleaning process.

Avoid the Sanitize Cycle

One crucial point to note is that you should never use the dishwasher’s sanitize cycle when washing NutriBullet parts.

The high heat of the sanitizing cycle may cause warping of the plastic components, leading to damage and compromising their functionality.

Stick to the regular dishwasher cycle for safe and effective cleaning.

Hand Washing Option

Although NutriBullet components are dishwasher safe, some users may prefer to hand wash them.

Hand washing allows for more control over the cleaning process and can be gentler on the plastic parts, potentially extending their lifespan.

Use warm, soapy water and a non-abrasive sponge to clean the components thoroughly.

Cleaning the Motor Base

While the cups, lids, lip rings, and blades are dishwasher safe, the motor base of the NutriBullet is not.

To clean the motor base, unplug the blender and use a damp cloth to wipe down the surface carefully.

Avoid submerging the base in water or using harsh chemicals.


In conclusion, the NutriBullet blender’s cups, lids, lip rings, and blades are all top-rack dishwasher-safe.

To ensure proper and safe cleaning, rinse the components before placing them in the dishwasher, and avoid using the sanitize cycle to prevent plastic warping.

If preferred, you can hand wash the parts using warm, soapy water.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain a clean and efficient NutriBullet blender that continues to serve you healthy and delightful creations for a long time!

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