Mastering the Art of Cowhide Rug Care – A Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning and Maintenance

Nicely decorated living room with gray tones. furnished with a cowhide mat and vibrant pillows

A cowhide rug is a rug made from the complete skin and hair of a cow, which is cured using either a chrome tanning method or a more environmentally friendly vegetable tanning method.

The hides used for leather production would otherwise be a waste product and an environmental problem, so cowhide rugs are considered an eco-friendly option.

Cowhide rugs are made predominantly from cows raised as part of the dairy and meat industry.

I honestly love the Cowhide rugs for their unique patterning and color, and they can be used to provide a focal point on a wooden floor or create a cozy warmth in a bedroom.

They are also durable and easy to look after!

Cowhide rugs are often seen in western-styled rooms, but they have now been incorporated into more modern designs as a touch of the natural world.

Safely and Efficiently Clean Your Cowhide Rug

You Will Need

Work Time: 15 – 20 Minutes

  • Vacuum Cleaner With Suction-Only Attachment
  • Paper Towel
  • Mild Shampoo
  • Damp Sponge and Cloth
  • White Vinegar

Regular cleaning of a cowhide rug involves simple steps to remove dust and prevent the build-up of dirt and stains.

Here are the recommended steps for regular cleaning:

  1. Vacuuming: Use a vacuum cleaner with a suction-only attachment to remove dust and debris in the direction of the hair.
  2. Shaking: Alternatively, take the rug outside and shake it vigorously to remove dust and debris without causing damage.

When dealing with spills or stains, it’s essential to act promptly to prevent permanent damage.

Here are the steps for spot-cleaning a cowhide rug:

  1. Soak up the liquid: Use a paper towel to dab the spot without rubbing to avoid spreading the stain.
  2. Cleaning solution: Mix a few drops of mild shampoo with lukewarm water and apply the solution to the affected area using a damp sponge. Gently scrub and rub until the stain disappears.
  3. Rinsing: Wipe away the shampoo solution residue with a clean, damp cloth.

If your cowhide rug has been soiled with pet urine, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to prevent odor and staining.

Here are some recommended methods for cleaning pet urine from a cowhide rug:

  • Option 1: Create a solution of 9.5 oz water and 0.5 oz white vinegar to help with pH balance and odor removal. Dab the solution onto the affected area with a paper towel and continue to work it until the odor is gone.
  • Option 2: Use an over-the-counter pet urine removal product with enzymes to effectively clean and remove odors.
  • Option 3: Use mild shampoo, such as baby shampoo, and spot sponge carefully on the areas requiring cleaning. Rinse the sponge with warm water until the rug is clean and fresh.

Frequently Asked Questions on [Cleaning Your Cowhide Rug]

How Often Should I Clean My Cowhide Rug?

Cowhide rugs are relatively low-maintenance and can be kept clean with regular care!

You can vacuum your cowhide rug at least every two weeks, depending on foot traffic.

However, deep cleaning is highly recommended every three to six months, and immediate cleaning of stains is essential to maintain the appearance and longevity of your cowhide rug.

How Do I Remove Odors From My Cowhide Rug?

To remove odors from a cowhide rug, you can use several methods:


Steaming the rug not only removes odors but also kills any bacteria lurking in the cowhide rug.

Deodorizing Powder or Baking Soda

Sprinkle a high-quality carpet deodorizer powder or baking soda over the rug, leave it to sit for at least two hours, then vacuum it up thoroughly.

This will remove trapped odors and freshen the rug.

Sunlight and Fresh Air

Expose the rug to sunlight and fresh air, first on the hair side, then the skin side. This may take a few days but can help dissipate the smell naturally.

Vinegar and water solution

Mix a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water and use a clean, damp cloth to wipe down the rug.

Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Finally, sprinkle the rug lightly with baking soda, leave it on for a few hours, and then vacuum again to eliminate any remaining odor.

It’s important to note that cowhide rugs can have a strong smell at first, which is natural and will eventually fade.

The smell can be due to the natural oils and proteins in the hide, as well as the tanning methods used to create the rug.

Can I Use Water to Clean My Cowhide Rug?

It’s best to avoid using excessive water, as cowhide is a natural material and can be sensitive to moisture.

If needed, use a damp cloth with a mild soap solution for spot cleaning, and be sure to dry the area thoroughly.

Can I Machine Wash My Cowhide Rug?

No, it is not recommended to machine wash a cowhide rug.

While there are anecdotes of people successfully washing cowhide rugs in a washing machine, it is generally discouraged as it may damage the rug, cause holes, or wear it out earlier than expected.

Cowhide rugs are a natural fiber and are not intended to be cleaned in a washing machine using detergents, as this can cause damage to the back suede and even remove the hair, which is the main attribute of these natural pieces.

Instead, cowhide rugs can be regularly cleaned by light vacuuming, shaking off outside, and spot cleaning with a damp cloth and mild soap if needed.

How Do I Deal With Spills on My Cowhide Rug?

Immediately blot the spill with a clean, dry cloth. Do not rub the spill, as it may spread or push the liquid further into the rug.

Use a mild, soapy solution for cleaning if necessary, and blot again with a dry cloth.

Final Thoughts

Ensuring the cleanliness of your cowhide rug is essential for preserving its aesthetic appeal and extending its durability.

Adhering to the provided cleaning guidelines and tips enables you to effectively uphold the beauty and hygiene of your cowhide rug, even when addressing issues like pet urine or other spills!

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