Brush Care 101! A Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

Clean your makeup brushes regularly to maintain their quality, and prevent skin irritation and breakouts!

Makeup brushes are essential tools for achieving flawless and professional-looking makeup applications.

Over time, these brushes accumulate dirt, oils, and old makeup residue, making them a breeding ground for bacteria and potential skin issues.

Regularly cleaning your makeup brushes not only ensures a hygienic makeup routine but also prolongs the lifespan of your beloved tools.

In this comprehensive guide, I will take you through a step-by-step process on how to clean makeup brushes effectively, ensuring they stay in pristine condition and are safe for use.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Makeup Brushes

Before You Begin, Gather the Necessary Cleaning Supplies:

  • Mild Liquid Soap or Brush Cleaner
  • Olive Oil or Coconut Oil (Optional, for Deep Cleaning)
  • A Shallow Bowl or Container
  • Clean, Lint-Free Cloth or Paper Towels
  • Running Water (Sink or Basin)

Time needed: 25 minutes.

Here are the steps you can follow to effectively clean your makeup brushes:

  1. Pre-Cleanse

    For brushes with heavy makeup residue or waterproof products, consider pre-cleansing.

    Pour a small amount of olive oil or coconut oil into a shallow container and swirl the brush tips in the oil.

    This will help break down stubborn makeup.

  2. Shallow Soak

    Fill a shallow bowl or container with lukewarm water and add a few drops of mild liquid soap or brush cleaner. Swirl the brush tips gently in the soapy water.

    Avoid fully submerging the brush, as this can loosen the glue holding the bristles.

  3. Cleanse

    Using the palm of your hand, gently massage the bristles in circular motions to work the soap through. Pay attention to the base of the bristles where buildup is common.

    Be gentle, especially with natural bristles, to avoid damage.

  4. Rinse

    Hold the brush under running water, pointing the bristles downwards. Continue to rinse until no soap or makeup residue remains.

    Avoid wetting the handle of the brush, as this can lead to water damage and loosening of bristles.

  5. Pat Dry

    Gently squeeze the excess water out of the bristles with your fingers. Take care not to twist or pull on the bristles, as this can damage them.

    Lay the brushes flat on a clean, lint-free cloth or paper towel and reshape the bristles, if needed.

  6. Air Dry

    Allow the brushes to air dry completely before using them again. To maintain the shape of the brushes, lay them flat on a surface rather than standing them upright.

Deep Clean (Optional)

Perform a deep clean on your brushes every 2-4 weeks, depending on how frequently you use them.

This involves using a brush cleaning mat or silicone glove to thoroughly clean and condition the bristles.


Cleaning your makeup brushes is an essential part of maintaining a healthy and effective makeup routine.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure your brushes remain in pristine condition, free from bacteria, and ready to provide flawless makeup applications.

Regular cleaning and proper care will not only enhance your brushes’ longevity but also contribute to the overall health and beauty of your skin.

So, take care of your brushes, and they will take care of you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions regarding cleaning makeup brushes are listed below.

How Often Should I Clean My Makeup Brushes?

Clean your makeup brushes at least once a week to prevent the buildup of bacteria and oils. However, if you use your brushes frequently, it may be necessary to clean them more often.

Also, If you notice any discoloration or a strong odor coming from your brushes, it’s a sign that they need to be cleaned immediately.

Is It Necessary to Reshape the Brush After Cleaning?

It is not necessarily necessary to reshape a brush after cleaning, but it helps maintain the shape and integrity of the brush.

If the brush has been bent or misshapen during cleaning, reshaping it will make it perform better and last longer.

Is Alcohol Safe to Clean My Makeup Brushes?

Alcohol can be used to clean makeup brushes, but it’s important to use a type of alcohol that is safe for use on the skin and not too harsh.

Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol is a common choice for cleaning makeup brushes.

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