How to Care for Your Allbirds: The Best Ways to Wash and Dry

A woman is wearing refreshed Allbirds sneakers after cleaning

Allbirds, the eco-friendly and sustainable footwear brand, has taken the world by storm with its comfortable and stylish wool sneakers.

But what happens when your beloved Allbirds start to show signs of wear and tear? Fear not, because Allbirds are not only designed for comfort but also for easy care!

Today, in this article, we will deep dive into both methods—I mean machine and hand washing. So, you can choose one.

Whether you have Allbirds made from merino wool or their Tree material, the cleaning process is the same.

Two People Wearing Allbirds Shoes and Sitting on the Shore of the Sea!

Step-by-Step Guide to Washing Allbirds by Machine

Follow these washing instructions to keep your Allbirds looking and feeling fresh!

You Will Need

Work Time: 20 – 25 Minutes

  • Towel or Soft Brush
  • Washing Machine
  • Linen Bag or Pillowcase
  • Gentle Detergent
  • Well-Ventilated Area

  1. Remove the Insoles and Laces: Take out the insoles and laces from your Allbirds before washing them. This will ensure a thorough cleaning and prevent any damage to these components.
  2. Brush off Excess Dirt: Use a towel or soft brush to remove any dirt or debris from the shoes. This step will make the washing process more effective.
  1. Use a Washing Machine: Place your Allbirds in a washing machine on the wool/delicates cycle with cold water. If possible, use a linen bag or pillowcase to protect the shoes during the wash.
  2. Add a Gentle Detergent: Avoid using bleach and opt for a gentle detergent instead. This will help maintain the quality of the shoes while still providing a deep clean.
  3. Wash the Insoles by Hand: While the shoes are in the washing machine, wash the insoles by hand for the best results. Use a gentle detergent and rinse them thoroughly before allowing them to air dry.
  1. Air Dry Your Shoes: After the wash cycle is complete, remove your Allbirds from the washing machine and let them air dry. Do not tumble dry them, as this can cause damage to the shoes.
  2. Allow at Least 24 Hours for Drying: It is recommended to let your Allbirds dry for at least 24 hours before wearing them again. This will ensure that they are completely dry and ready for use.
  3. Reinsert the Insoles and Laces: Once your Allbirds are dry, reinsert the insoles and laces, and they will be ready for your next adventure.

Additional Tips!

If your Allbirds have tough stains, you can wash them multiple times using cold water and gentle cycle settings.

However, never use bleach on your Allbirds, as this can permanently damage the fabric and color.

Step-by-Step Guide to Washing Allbirds by Hand

If you prefer to wash your Allbirds by hand or do not have access to a washing machine, I have got you covered!

You Will Need

Work Time: 20 – 30 Minutes

  • Soft-Bristled Hand Brush or a Towel
  • Sink or Bucket
  • Lukewarm Water
  • Gentle Detergent
  • Well-Ventilated Area

Step 1 – Remove the Insoles and Laces

Before you start washing your Allbirds, remove the insoles and laces.

This will help to ensure thorough cleaning and prevent any damage to these components.

Step 2 – Brush Off Excess Dirt

Use a soft-bristled hand brush or a towel to remove any dried dirt, dust, or debris from the shoes.

This will make the wash cycle more efficient.

Step 3 – Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Fill a sink or a bucket with lukewarm water and add a small amount of gentle detergent.

Swirl the water with your hand to create a few suds.

Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can damage the shoes.

Step 4 – Hand Wash the Shoes

Submerge the shoes in the cleaning solution and gently agitate them with your hands.

Pay extra attention to any stained or soiled areas.

Avoid scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the delicate wool fibers.

Step 5 – Rinse the Shoes

Drain the soapy water and refill the sink or bucket with clean, lukewarm water.

Submerge the shoes and squeeze them gently to remove any remaining detergent.

Step 6 – Remove Excess Water

Gently press the shoes against the side of the sink or bucket to remove excess water.

Avoid wringing or twisting the shoes, as this can cause them to lose their shape.

Step 7 – Air Dry the Shoes

Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area and allow them to air dry for at least 24 hours.

Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources, as these can cause the wool to shrink or stretch.

Do not use a dryer, as this can also damage the shoes.

Step 8 – Reinsert the Insoles and Laces

After your Allbirds have completely dried, simply reinsert the insoles and laces back into them, and they’ll be all set for your next journey.

Additional Tips!

Vapor Fresh Cleaning Spray - Natural and Plant Based Shoe Deodorizer!

To prevent odor buildup, consider using a shoe deodorizing spray like Vapor Fresh Sports Cleaning Spray.

This can help keep your Allbirds fresh and clean for a longer period.

Allbirds Laces – How to Clean Them Without Damaging the Material

Allbirds laces are an essential part of the shoe’s design, and keeping them clean can help maintain the overall appearance and longevity of your Allbirds.

Here are some steps to follow to wash Allbirds laces:

  1. Before cleaning the laces, remove them from the shoes. It will make the cleaning process easier and more effective.
  2. Wipe off any excess dirt with a towel or soft brush.
  3. Mix some warm water and a few drops of laundry detergent in a small bowl. This gentle solution will help remove dirt and stains from the laces without causing any damage
  4. Add the laces to the bowl and let them soak while you wash the shoes.
  5. After soaking, use a soft-bristled brush or your fingers to gently scrub the laces. Pay extra attention to any areas that may be more heavily soiled. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can cause the laces to fray or break
  6. Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse the laces thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining soap or dirt.
  7. Lay the laces flat on a clean towel or hang them up to air dry. Avoid using a dryer or exposing the laces to direct sunlight, as this can cause them to shrink or fade.

It’s important to note that Allbirds laces may not be suitable to be washed in a washing machine.

Instead, they should be washed by hand using mild soap and water.

If the laces are too dirty, consider replacing them with a new set, which only costs around $10.


Easy and Effective – How to Wash Your Allbirds Insoles

Allbirds insoles are an essential part of the shoe that provides comfort and support to your feet.

Over time, they can accumulate dirt and odor, so it’s important to know how to properly clean them.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to wash Allbirds insoles:

  1. Remove the insoles from your Allbirds shoes. This can be done by gently pulling them out from the heel area.
  2. Brush off any excess dirt or debris from the insoles using a soft brush or towel.
  3. Fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water. Add a small amount of mild soap or detergent to the water and mix it until it creates suds.
  4. Place the insoles in the soapy water and gently agitate them with your hands. Make sure to clean both sides of the insoles and pay extra attention to any stained or dirty areas.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the insoles under running water to remove any soap residue. Squeeze them gently to remove excess water, but avoid wringing or twisting them, as this can damage the foam.
  6. Lay the insoles flat on a clean towel and gently press them with another towel to absorb more moisture. Avoid using a hairdryer or placing them near a heat source, as this can cause the foam to deform.

Also, you can read this article on The Most Effective Way to Clean Your Allbirds Insoles!


By following all the steps, you can maintain the performance and shape of your Allbirds while keeping them looking and feeling as good as new.

Plus, with their commitment to sustainability, Allbirds proves that you can have stylish, eco-friendly shoes that are easy to care for.

So go ahead, get out there, and enjoy your freshly cleaned Allbirds on your next adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions on [Cleaning Your Allbirds Shoes]

To keep your Allbirds looking clean and fresh, it’s important to know how to properly clean them.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cleaning your Allbirds shoes:

How Often Should I Wash My Allbirds Shoes?

The frequency of washing will depend on how often you wear them and the activities you engage in.

If you notice that your Allbirds are looking dirty or smelling less than fresh, it’s probably time to give them a wash.

Interestingly, Allbirds shoes are designed to be machine washable, so you can clean them whenever they get dirty without worrying about damaging the shoes!

Is It Safe to Wash My Allbirds in the Washing Machine?

According to Allbirds, their shoes are machine washable and won’t lose their performance or shape after being washed. So you can wash them with no worries.

However, you can check the care label on your Allbirds-specific pair to ensure and see if they are machine washable.

How Can I Protect My Allbirds From Future Stains and Damage?

Try to avoid getting your Allbirds dirty, stained, or damaged in the first place. For example, don’t wear them in muddy or wet conditions, and be careful when eating or drinking around them.

You can also use a protective spray to help repel stains and water. Be sure to choose a spray that is safe for use on wool and follow the instructions carefully.

Remember that prevention is key, and taking care of your Allbirds will help them last longer and stay looking great.

How Can I Eliminate Odors from My Allbirds Shoes?

To eliminate odors from your Allbirds, follow these tips and tricks:

Eliminate Moisture When Not In Use

After wearing your Allbirds, ensure they have time to air out in a well-ventilated area to make it difficult for germs to thrive.

If you have a pair of Allbirds with laces, loosen the laces to allow for increased airflow deeper into the shoe.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda can help tackle odors. Sprinkle a liberal amount into your shoes and leave it overnight.

Shake out the excess baking soda in the morning.

Sweet Deodorizing Spray

To really kick odors from your Allbirds, use a safe deodorizing spray designed for shoes like Vapor Fresh Sports Cleaning Spray.

This spray is specifically developed to help eliminate even the toughest sweat odors

Consider Replacing Insoles and Laces

If the odor persists, consider replacing the insoles and laces with new ones made with sustainable materials.

Can I Wash My Allbirds With Other Clothes?

It is not recommended to wash your Allbirds with other clothes.

To maintain their shape and performance, it’s best to wash them separately.

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