Dishwasher-Safe or Hand Wash? Debunking the Air Fryer Basket Cleaning Dilemma

This image shows a woman holding the handle of the air fryer’s basket for washing, and an open dishwasher has clean dishes! While some air fryer baskets are indeed dishwasher-safe, others are not.

Air fryers have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their ability to cook delicious, crispy food with minimal oil!

These versatile kitchen appliances offer a healthier alternative to deep frying and are known for their convenience.

However, when it comes to cleaning, many people wonder if they can simply pop the air fryer basket into the dishwasher.

In this article, we’ll explore whether it’s safe to put an air fryer basket in the dishwasher and discuss the best practices for cleaning your air fryer.

Understanding Your Air Fryer

Before we delve into the dishwasher question, it’s important to understand the components of an air fryer.

The two main parts are the outer housing and the cooking basket.

The cooking basket, where you place your food, is typically made of non-stick material or stainless steel with a non-stick coating.

The basket features small holes to allow hot air to circulate around the food, promoting even cooking and a crispy texture.

Can You Put the Air Fryer Basket in the Dishwasher?

The answer to this question depends on the manufacturer’s instructions and the materials used in the construction of the air fryer basket.

While some air fryer baskets are dishwasher-safe, others are not.

Therefore, it is crucial to consult the user manual or check the manufacturer’s guidelines to determine if your specific air fryer basket is dishwasher-safe.

Most air fryer baskets that are labeled as dishwasher-safe can be safely placed in the dishwasher without any issues.

However, even if your air fryer basket is dishwasher-safe, it’s worth considering a few factors before tossing it into the dishwasher.

Factors to Consider

  1. Non-stick Coating: If your air fryer basket has a non-stick coating, repeated exposure to the harsh detergents used in dishwashers can gradually degrade the coating, reducing its effectiveness over time. It’s generally recommended to hand wash non-stick-coated baskets to maintain their longevity.
  2. Stainless Steel Baskets: Stainless steel air fryer baskets are generally more durable and resistant to dishwasher cleaning. However, check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure they can withstand dishwasher use.
  3. Size and Dishwasher Capacity: Another important factor to consider is whether your dishwasher can accommodate the size of the air fryer basket. Some larger air fryer baskets may not fit properly, preventing the dishwasher from operating efficiently.

Cleaning Your Air Fryer Basket

If your air fryer basket is not dishwasher-safe or you prefer to hand wash it, here’s a simple cleaning routine you can follow:

  1. Allow the basket to cool down completely before cleaning.
  2. Remove any excess oil or food debris from the basket using a soft brush or sponge.
  3. Fill your sink with warm water and a mild dishwashing liquid.
  4. Submerge the basket in the soapy water and let it soak for a few minutes.
  5. Gently scrub the basket with a soft sponge or brush to remove any stubborn stains.
  6. Rinse the basket thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  7. Dry the basket completely before reassembling it with the air fryer.


While some air fryer baskets are dishwasher-safe, it’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions before placing them in the dishwasher.

Dishwasher use may gradually degrade non-stick coatings, so it’s generally recommended to hand wash them to ensure their longevity.

If you choose to hand wash, follow a simple routine using mild dishwashing liquid and a soft brush or sponge.

By properly cleaning and maintaining your air fryer basket, you can continue to enjoy delicious and healthy air-fried meals.

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