Locating the Hidden Gem: Discovering Your Dishwasher Filter

In this image, a woman in rubber gloves shows a dirty dishwasher filter! In most dishwashers, the filter is located at the bottom of the dishwasher tub.

The location of the dishwasher filter can vary depending on the make and model of the dishwasher. However, there are a few common areas where you are likely to find it:

Bottom of the Dishwasher

In many dishwashers, the filter is situated at the bottom of the tub, beneath the lower spray arm. This location allows it to capture food particles and prevent them from clogging the drainage system.

Inside the Tub

Some dishwashers have a filter that is integrated into the tub. These filters may be accessed by removing a cylindrical or flat cover inside the dishwasher.

Near the Water Inlet

In certain dishwasher models, the filter may be located near the water inlet. This strategic placement ensures that the water entering the dishwasher is pre-filtered before being used for washing.


It’s important to consult the dishwasher’s user manual or manufacturer’s instructions to locate the filter specific to your dishwasher model, as the placement can vary.

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